Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Peanut Butter


Monday, July 05, 2010

Three Ingredients Only

This is how I spent my evening. I roasted and then skinned peanuts. A lot of peanuts. Now all I need is some white chocolate chips, maybe a little oil and a food processor and I'll have some amazing White Chocolate Peanut Butter. Brilliant!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

No Better Way To Spend A Saturday

Taking advantage of the immense weather that Britain currently has to offer and a free Saturday, Sarah and I went to Archers today for ice cream and a chat. I went for Black Cherry and Hokey Pokey whilst Sarah had Chocolate and Mint Choc Chip. We made the most of the countryside and took in the views and lay on the grass. It was a little toasty so I may be ever so slightly burnt. That's not sarcasm. Really, just a teeny bit burnt.

Friday, July 02, 2010

*Warning* Lots of Adorableness Follows

Earlier this week I went into town with Sarah and her two adorable nephews, Jack and Riley. It was absolutely roasting so we did a few errands and then headed to Starbucks.
Jack wearing his hat pushed up on his head a la chav.Auntie Sarah's drink seemed much more appealing.Actually, anything is better when drunk through a straw.Melts my heart!The boy laughs at anything!Mega cute.Insanely gorgeous!It was such a good morning. Quality time with a good friend with the added bonus of her sweet, sweet nephews. Those boys are just so gorgeous that I could just eat them up.....
And apparently.....I tried.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

A Year Ago Today....

I arrived back in the UK from New York.....