Friday, April 20, 2012

Another Birthday Come and Gone

Well, I had another birthday.
It was a great day and what is more, because my birthday fell when we were on camp at St John's in the Vale in Cumbria, I got to spend it in Keswick.....
with some people I kinda like....

Can't really beat that!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There'll Be Bluebirds Over...

A few weeks ago Alex and I went to visit Sarah in Dover where she lives. We were very excited to go and see Dover - I guess it is generally seen as a place that you pass through on the way to somewhere else and I doubt that if Sarah didn't live there then I probably would never have gone. Turns out, Dover is quite nice.... although it was definitely colder there than in Gillingham which we found out the hard way (Alex especially!).
Here is a white cliff - just behind Sarah's flat! I think she was tickled that we were so excited by this!
This is the view from her living room window.
These are her fish. From left to right: Harry, Cedric and Ron (I think!). Hermione and Draco, I'm afraid to say, have both passed on..... (Their tank was being cleaned by Sarah's husband, Joe. Hence the vase!)
We then went for tea and scones at a nearby seafront hotel and had a debate about whether it was scone as in gone or scone as in bone. Clearly it is the first but Alex thinks differently.
Sarah is on the left and Alex in the middle.
Then Sarah took us to a beautiful little park where we had a wander round.

We had a late lunch and then sampled the delights of Dover's Tesco and Homebase and then headed back to Gillingham on the train where Alex and I ate Cookie Dough Cheesecake without cutlery. It was a little challenging.
Such a fun day!